Vinyasa Flow to deepen your practice, increase heat and energy within the body

Vinyasa Flow to deepen your practice, increase heat and energy within the body

Vinyasa Flow to deepen your practice, increase heat and energy within the body
  • Yoga for Ease, Strength and Balance with Emily

    Join Emily for peace, love, and asana as you flow into your morning with ease, strength, and balance during this soft, 45-minute, body-rinsing vinyasa flow!

  • Yoga as a Wash Cycle for Body and Mind with June

    Wash, Rinse, Repeat...just like the shampoo bottle says.Classic poses will be visited more than once, adding on others as we flow.A yoga practice that is a wash cycle for body and mind.Using the breath and the postures to rinse away anything no longer need.

  • Vinyasa To Feel Grounded with Amanda

    Lift the heart. Put your feet on the ground. Allow your mind to be free of chatter. Take some deep breaths. Just allow yourself to be.

  • Alignment -Based Vinyasa with Kelly

  • Vinyasa Flow with Handstands with Cindy

    Cindy's signature core-strengthening, balancing and upside down class. Bring your blocks!

  • Fresh Start Vinyasa Flow with Leslie

    Flow through a refreshing sequence of chest and heart opening backbends, cleansing twists, and flowing hip work to shake loose accumulated energy.

  • Livestream Core Flow Yoga with June

    A vinyasa flow Pilates-inspired core class.

  • Quick Release: Low Back with Leslie

    Grab a yoga block, bolster, foam roller, or even a thick paper back book to help release your low back over forty minutes of vinyasa flow. Simple movements will stretch your hamstrings and legs, an expansive range of the hip joints, and of course, create ease and comfort in your lower back.

  • Twisting Chandra Namaskar Vinyasa with Leslie

    Explore a deep vinyasa sequence inspired by Chandra Namaskar, the Moon Salutation, and expanded to include even more twisting and flowing. Chandra Namaskar is excellent for reducing stress and realigning personal balance.

    ***This deep stretching sequence might require a little more warm up if y...

  • Centering Slow Flow with Laura

    Center your awareness back on your body and breath as Laura guides you through a simple slow flowing vinyasa sequence, perfect for beginning your day or creating a moment within your routine to recharge.

  • Far Reaching Vinyasa with Kelly

    Twist, reach, and balance with Kelly during this refreshing vinyasa flow. Ground your energy and expand from your center with a flowing sequence of familiar postures. Blocks optional!

  • Legs for Days Vinyasa with Leslie

    30 minutes of stretching the hamstrings and lengthening the legs. Keep your spine long and feel the entire back body release and relax!

  • Flow with Circular Namaskars with Liz

    Begin with a lively warmup and stretch out your body with creative flows. Sun salutations, lower body twists and stretches and a creative circular namaskar.

  • Find Stability and Balance with Trish

    Find your center in a flow of grounding and balancing postures.

  • Waking the Warrior 20 Minute Morning Practice with Leslie

    A bright and refreshing vinyasa practice to start the day or renew the body any time. Flow through fluid movements and warrior I and II for a full body experience.

  • Self-Care Core Flow Livestream with June

    Start with a self foot massage to release tension and improve circulation then move into a holiday themed practice of breath and asanas. Finish with some love for your lungs.

  • Backbend Vinyasa Flow with Liz

    Warm up, extend, ground and bend with tis flowing practice to open all aspects of the spine. Allow the breath to joyfully carry you through your practice!

  • Yoga to Align and Strengthen with June

    Basic foundational yoga postures strung together to align, strengthen,& promote flexibility along with awareness of breath to relax and calm the mind.

  • Find Steadiness and Ease with Kelly

    This class will help build an awareness of your present moment experience, while also moving into a mindful flowing practice. During times of stress and uncertainty, this practice can help you find steadiness, ease, balance and an awareness of the beauty that surrounds us in every moment.

  • Energy Shifting Vinyasa Flow with Leslie

    Explore a free flowing vinyasa sequence that helps shift and release energy. End your practice feeling rejuvenated and reconnected to an inner feeling of joy and ease!

  • Signature Flow with Liz

    You have arrived! Float through fast paced Vinyasa sequences. Let your breath take over as your body moves in sync with your inhale and exhale. Build heat and prana while inevitably laughing out loud with Liz.

  • “Hip”pie groove space with Amanda

    A fluid flow to free compressed stagnant joints. Allow your self to move with freedom and authenticity. A feel good warm up, to help expand the mind space and deepen the breath. Let’s soar to our highest vibration to create the balance we all deserve.

  • Twisty Vinyasa with Jess

    A twisty sequence to bring ourselves back into the body. Accessible to all, this practice reminds us that we can create the space that we need.

  • Grounding Flow with June Miller

    Start with gentle movements to release trapped energy followed with a simple moon salutation that can be repeated to soothe & calm.