Meditation to create stillness and peace

Meditation to create stillness and peace

Relax the mind, the body follows. Practice tools to alleviate stress, anxiety and conditioned patterns of response.

Meditation to create stillness and peace
  • Sensing Your Breaths Movement Meditation with Theresa

    The capacity of the natural world to heal is timeless. Take in an abundance of Vitamin N (nature) and connect with it’s healing powers. Open, expand, release and let go.

  • 4 Minute Meditation with Liz

    We all have 4 minutes to focus. Find peace and quiet with this 4 minute meditation with Liz. Birds, chimes, sunshine and a beautiful setting will help you to relax into a state of centered connection to self.

  • 3 Part Breath Meditation with Leslie

    Leslie will guide you through simple mindful breathing and then into a 3 part pranayama technique. Great for overwhelm, stress, and balancing the nervous system.

  • Learn: Mindfulness Meditation with Leslie

    Explore three mindfulness anchors: your breath, heartbeat, and mantra. Meditation is helpful for managing stress we cannot control and everyone is capable of developing a practice. Observe your experience with each of these anchors, and see which resonates most with you.

  • Loving Kindness Meditation with Liz

    Send a ripple of safety, happiness, health and ease out to yourself, your family, friends and community, country and all beings everywhere.

  • Sunset Meditation with Theresa

    All nature, including humanity is solar-powered. Infusion of the sun’s healing power improves mood, boosts the immune system, and fills us with the sunshine vitamin (D).