Free Videos

Free Videos

Free Videos
  • Loving Kindness Meditation with Liz

    Loving Kindness, or Meta Meditation, is one of the most popular and beneficial mindfulness practices around the world! Invite compassion into your awareness and feel everything illuminate.

  • Restorative and Yoga Nidra to Calm and Comfort with Leslie

    Take care of yourself and allow yourself to breathe and find relief. This Restorative class is great for relaxation and stress relief. Suggested props are 2 blankets, 2 blocks a bolster or long pillow and any other props that make you feel loved.

  • Yoga for Peace: Gathering Together with Liz

    Please join Liz to gather together and practice yoga and a guided meditation for peace. This will be a gentle class for all levels, with a loving kindness meditation.

  • An Introduction to Grief Support: Tending to Grief Holistically

    Join Leslie Conner in this free event as she guides you through working in harmony with the invisible world of grief using mindfulness and holistic healing practices rooted in End of Life Doula wisdom.
    As one of the most defining and challenging parts of the human experience, grief demands our a...

  • Self Care for Health Care Yoga with Jimmy

    One hour of intentional yoga and meditation for caregivers, health professionals, and frontline workers. Choosing to live in service of others requires time to recharge and space to return to your inner sanctuary of self in order to avoid burn out. Join Registered Nurse and Peacock Studio Teacher...